Thursday, April 19, 2018

OCD : A Matter of "Low-Activation Syndrome" In Many Patients... (Low CNS Stimulation State and OCD/Obsessions Explored) (Light Portal Version)

Although OCD is classified as an "Anxiety Disorder", it is atypical in that, findings regarding norepinephrine levels in *most* Anxiety Disorders are typically high [1] (consistent with a High Stress:High-Anxiety Paradigm [2])...OCD may be the sole exception and Norepinephrine-enhancing agents such as Reboxetine [3] and Clomipramine (approved for OCD) [4] are VERY effective at treating "Resistant OCD"...

In addition, Adderall (mixed amphetamine) can treat OCD in a subgroup of Patients who fail to respond to other treatments [5] [6]. Amphetamines are well-known Norepinephine-enhancers (though they also raise Serotonin & Dopamine)

Finally, Deep Brain Stimulation and other "stimulation" therapies are often the last resort for severe, treatment-resistant OCD [7] [8] [9].

This all proves a theory of mine as well as other Doctors such as Ray Peat who state that both Depression & Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder are the result of an "Energy Imbalance" [10]...often marked by negative-thoughts which can actually be a result of a "tired brain" rather than an Active Brain. David Healy, another well-known Doctor in the field of Psychiatric and Neurological Medicine - has also published many articles which suggest similar concepts.

Also moving in that direction, another "Energy-Imbalance" disorder; ADHD, is often diagnosed in those with a Family History of OCD and often is the first (pediatric) diagnosis which is then followed by OCD in years following the initial  diagnosis...this trend is not 100% and surely varies [11]. However, since similar Genes can create the "neurobiological environment" for both ADHD and OCD - and since there is *often* cross-over - it stands to reason that in many Patients there is a similar etiology for both disorders...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affected individuals often also have other Health Complaints; even if hypochondriasis is completely ruled out. One of the main complaints is a feeling of mental "Fatigue" [12] [13], high-motivation followed by a period of "burn-out" or low motivation [14] - a pattern often recognized since Childhood [15] and often, Pain disorders or Chronic Muscle Pain [16].

While it can be argued that these can be a RESULT of the disorder itself causing significant mental stress, there are studies to suggest that they may be as well, precursor factors, which are then reinforced, hastened, or made worse by the OCD-disorder [17]

Meaning the following...
  1. Chronic Fatigue type-Syndromes may lead to changes in the Brain, if untreated, which can lead to particularly, Pure "O" OCD or Obsession-predominant OCD [18].
  2. OCD can then Worsen Fatigue [19].
  3. The Cycle continues.


  • OCD can be a result of elevated Serotonin levels [20] or deficient levels [21]. Obsession-Predominant OCD trends toward higher-monoamine levels but poor usage [22].
  • It appears that despite this - the reason SSRI's are "effective" for OCD though, is because of their effects on "neuropeptides" like Oxytocin, Beta-Endorphin and Vasopressin [23].
  • Low NMDA/Glycine-receptor activity; a type of Glutamate-receptor - has been found in OCD-patients [24], often a result of an altered NMDA-related gene passed down [25] and NMDA-agonists such as D-Cycloserine can prove helpful in ridding the Patient of Obsessions and Compulsions *Psychologically* [26]. Something called "Fear Extinction" used in an aspect  of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Called "Response Prevention Therapy" tailored specifically to OCD-Behaviors.
  • In addition to Human evidence, Animals with low NMDA activation seem to show more compulsions.
  • High-Dose Glycine can treat refractory/treatment-resistant OCD in many cases [27].


  • OCD Patients seem to have higher Brain-dopamine levels in some Brain regions [28] whereas in others the level is Low [29] - but a high-dopamine level does not explain the high-rates of Anhedonia (lack of pleasure/enjoyment) in treatment-naive OCD patients [30], who also seem to experience the symptom more than the Average person, untreated
  • Anhedonia, typically a "low-dopamine" symptom - seems to indicate that, at BEST, the Dopamine levels fluctuate and often become low in Patients with OCD - suggested in this study - and at WORST, we have it all wrong...and its just a 'coincidence' that Dopamine is elevated in *some*, but not all OCD-Patient studies. 
  • If OCD is primarily a Low-Dopamine state - at least in a subgroup of Patients, then SSRI's may very well make the Patients worse...if not the OCD, then AT LEAST the Anhedonia symptoms (if present) and Depression symptoms (if present).
  • Dopamine D2-Receptors are substantially LOWER in the Brains of OCD-Patients [31] [32]. The Endocrine Responses (Growth Hormone Release) are lower in OCD-Patients treated with a dopamine stimulating drug (Apomorphine) [33]. This would indicate low Dopamine 'D2S' or "AutoReceptor" activity [34] - which would, in theory, mean enhanced 'firing' rate of Dopamine and enhanced Dopamine (DA) release in OCD.
  • Problem is that theory can quickly go to shit when you consider that Dopamine D2 'autoreceptors' also "regulate" GABA-ergic neurons [35] so *technically* activating Dopamine D2-autoreceptors; which decrease Dopamine, can also really INCREASE Dopamine in discreet areas of the Brain by decreasing Brain GABA-concentrations.
  • This was proven in Animals and Humans lacking Dopamine D2-autoreceptors who seem to have reduced, even eliminated responses to Cocaine and Amphetamine [36] [37].
  • So Dopamine D2 Receptors, 'autoreceptors' or not - seem to be a very LARGE contradiction that does not seem to be a good base point to work from as it can lead down two seemingly opposite roads.
  • On one hand, an OCD-Patient may have LESS Dopamine floating around because of more inhibitory GABA activity due to less Dopaminergic "control" of GABA (D2S-Autoreceptor Mediated) - on the other hand, they  may have MORE Dopamine firing and release due to less autoreceptor influence on basal (resting) dopamine release.
  • In either case, it does NOT justify a CONSISTENTLY high Dopamine level, rather, a fluctuating one with a higher probability of being Low.
  • If certain Brain Regions are 'dysfunctional' due to Elevated GABA levels in Obsessive-Compulsive Patients - whereas in others the extracellular  Glutamate is high - this creates what we call a 'confused' communication system where one Brain region is abnormally calm and the Basal Ganglia, for example, is practically haywire in OCD [38].
  • Interestingly, 'stimulating' neurotransmitters such as Norepinephrine can actually 'stabilize' the projecting nerve terminals and forward, eventually the Basal Ganglia activity by modulating other neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and GABA [39].
  • A 'defect' in Norepinephrine-transmission was found in OCD-patients compared to 'healthy controls' [40].
  • Streptococcus (strep throat) and Herpes Simplex; both of which cause Fatigue and are capable of causing nervous system changes - have been strongly implicated in the development of OCD in Children and Adults [see Strep study here] [see Herpes study here].


When carefully screening for biases, both in my own Writing and in Published Research - it appears that not only does research truly justify the existence of a Low-Activation or "Low-Stimulation" syndrome in many people with OCD - but also that it is an important aetiological factor and sustained fatigue may pave the way for 'negativistic' thought patterns versus 'optimistic' thought patterns associated with a healthy degree of CNS-stimulation.

The Frontal hypoactivity consistent with abnormally increased inhibitory nerve activity/tone in OCD also indicates a dysfunctional nervous system...this could indeed be the true link between Norepinephrine and OCD - since Norepinephrine is the main 'driving' input and ITS transporters take precedent in regulating excitatory Dopamine function in the Prefrontal Cortex [41]...suggesting again, a Norepinephine-deficiency, especially in the Frontal Regions of the Brain in OCD.

Role of radiology in central nervous system stimulation - a report also dived into the important role in absolute stimulation of the CNS and its specific correlation to Mental Disorders, including OCD.

  One of the conclusions, besides far-reaching therapeutic value in treating Basal Ganglia-related disorders (such as OCD) is that the stimulation helped to improve and stabilize nerve communication in these Regions...

Again, consistent with my Theory, and upon talking to OCD-sufferers, describing similar phenomenons and trends (such as the elimination of OCD with hard stimulants). 

Of course, NOT ALL OCD-affected persons exist on this spectrum. Many will have a worsening of OCD from Stimulants...its  just that there is another fairly large portion (maybe 35-40%) who by nature of functional Brain Imaging (fMRI etc) [42] and other neuroimaging studies clearly fall into the 'low-stimulation' category and thus, may benefit from Stimulants versus SSRI's. 


This may be the greatest argument out of all for the "low-stimulation" subtype of OCD.

When our Brains are tired and fatigued, ANY task tends to feel EXHAUSTING. As a result, many of us get into the habit of dwelling on negative or pessimistic thoughts. 

...For many OCD-sufferers, this 'tired' phenomenon is directly related to their Obsessions [43] - and for many OCD-affected individuals, their OCD-simply vanishes when something shifts their focus, a high-priority, a loved one, danger, basically any activating circumstance which forces the persons Mind to focus on the environment and the people in it versus on the thoughts in their own head.

THINK: What is the central reason why Stimulants help both ADHD and Motivational deficits; its clear-sharp FOCUS. Its not just about the desire for something, but actually the will and more specifically, the consistent ATTENTION to that Task.

...Perhaps, that is why Stimulants help some people with OCD...they shift people 'out of their head' and into the real-world...the environment, logical things, common-sense things associated with the Norepinephine system of the Brain.

Stimulants are thus - a force to Ground a subset of OCD-Patients back into Reality by breaking the cycle of 'tired brain syndrome' and thus eliciting true focus on things that actually matter.

Its also of course possible, that others issues (hormones) influencing Brain stimulation are going on in OCD-Patients; of both sexes. Particularly, a deficiency in Progesterone, Estrogen or too much or too little of both could be a driving factor [see study].

Still, if taken at face value, any deficiency of say Thyroid hormones [44] or even Testosterone [45] could probably set the ground work for this specific subtype of OCD: characterized by "low-stimulation" and related syndromes [46].

As a Final Note: Vitamin B12 Deficiency - B12 of which which stimulates Norepinephrine, CNS activity and is *necessary* for all monoamine activities in the Brain - was found to be a "causative" factor in low-stimulation OCD-types.


  1. In this article we have explored functional deficits in neurotransmitters, rather than excesses, apparent in ALL OCD-subjects, a low Frontal EEG-report, possibly reduced Dopamine levels and almost certainly reduced Norepinephine activity in the frontal lobe.
  2. Fatigue Syndromes/CFS, Chronic Pain, and many other Physical illnesses often precipitate OCD - many of which themselves cause Fatigue, and where CNS pathogens such as Streptococcus (strep throat) and Herpes Simplex can easily cause a form of mild neurodegeneration; primarily in Brain Regions that are *known* to be dysfunctional in OCD.
  3. That "FOCUS" and "LOGIC" often go hand-in-hand, and Intrusive Thoughts often aren't rational or logical - thus, this reflects a Central "under-stimulation" as stimulating neurotransmitters like Norepinephrine and Histamine tend to get us to focus on our environment and logical tasks rather than things inside our head, or meaningless compulsions which have no real momentary nor financial value etc.
  4. These conclusions of course, exclude hand-washing and organizing of Work-Desk, or school-materials etc - as those are environment related tasks and thus those with those EXTERNAL forms of OCD rather than "racing thought" or "intrusive thought/obsessional" types probably have more than Enough CNS-activity.
  5. It is only the Intrusive Thought type - or "Pure O" OCD which is (generally) characterized by Low CNS Activity.


Current Chemical Genomics and Translational Medicine (ISSN: 2213-9885 ― Volume 12, 2018)
Jonathan T Ting, Guoping Feng*
Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA

In/Tags: ocd low activation, ocd and low norepinephrine, ocd and stress hormones, ocd low stress hormones, ocd high norepinephrine, obsessive compulsive disorder and tired brain, ocd caused by fatigue, low cns ocd, low stimulation ocd, low cns stimulation ocd, pure o ocd, noradrenergic paradox, deficits in neurotransmitters ocd, intrusive thoughts cause neurotransmitters, intrusive thought cure 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!) (Light Portal Version)

A study based on the findings of researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden got me interested in a possible link between Chromosome disorders and Brain Health. Even though the study demonstrated that Y-chromosome loss occurred in Chronic Smokers, that is, that in Male smokers Y-Chromosomes were not detected in their blood cells - there were also other, more significant implications. 

The implication was that the Y-Chromosome loss could - like many other cellular abnormalities, lead to increased risk of Cancer [1]. Because cellular abnormalities are also present in Mental Disorders - I decided to research a little more.

...Well, A LOT more.

Turns out that Y-Chromosome loss has also been found in....

  1. Those that successfully carry out a suicide [2].
  2. Alzheimer's Patients [3].
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Individuals (some) [4].
  4. Schizophrenics* [5].
  5. Those with other, diverse Brain abnormalities [6].
When I have a hunch: I'm usually right...

The National Institute of Health (NIH) published two main articles that everyone reading this article should read. They form the basis for most of this article...the difference is we made it easier - and more interesting. It is imperative to understand the information contained within the below articles in order to understand the concept of Chromosomes in Human Health, bodily/cellular Homeostasis and Disease, including Brain Disease.

The third article is also heavily important and expands in many ways on the first two, but the first two are prerequisites to understand fully the third, and how it relates to the Gut-Immune-Brain connection and links that all to chromosomes!

Y-Chromosome and Violence
Does anyone remember when a bunch of dubious reporters and pseudoscientists attempted to claim that if you "had an extra Y-chromosome you may be more prone to violence or even becoming a killer???". 

Of course, it was debunked.

What we later find out is that IF anything - its an extra X-Chromosome (passed from Mother to Child) that can lead to increased propensity for Aggression/Violence [7].

Not to mention the Warrior-gene is Maternally transmitted - and this gene has been associated with Violence, in Males [8].

...With that being said, it is hard to argue against the percentage of people in Prison who have an "extra-Y" who seem to also engage in more brutal and consistent acts of Aggression [9]

Problem is - we don't know if it is BECAUSE of the extra-Y or because of other similarities NOT CHECKED FOR in their genetic code...or possibly even epigenetic (drug or chemical induced changes in genes) or post-transcriptional changes (perhaps adaptational).

Indeed, other studies such as this one, have examined more in-depth a connection between specific Y-Chromosome abnormalities in certain families with other risk factors, and violence. Racial differences may also play a role [!].

Another Review made some other interesting points - perhaps elucidating a greater point that it is the combination of YYX-related "foundational" changes + other more historic (even ancient!) gene mutations that lay the groundwork and defective peddles for Abnormal Social and Violent behavior.

X-Chromosome, Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Cognitive Superiority or Inferiority

Although not the same, the X-Chromosome is passed from the Mother to a Male Child, and one from the Father to a female child and mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) is pretty universally, from the Mother to a Child of either sex.

...Whereas the X-Chromosome has been linked to Mental and Brain Disorders, the mtDNA concept is much more complex and we will get into that later in this article.

What we know is that *primarily*, X-Chromosome's can shape parts of the Brain concerning executive functions and decision making - X-Chromosome's contain information and sequences that allows the Prefrontal Cortex to develop properly (thickness and volume during early brain development) [!].

These are classified as "imprinting effects".

The X-Linked genes/code also contains unique sequences, which separately influences smaller, but arguably more important parameters like neurotransmitter receptor concentrations and thus influences specifically, Mental Functioning. 

...A parameter one could broadly speak of as pertaining to mainly "Stability" and "Clear-headedness" in this context as well as how one incorporates information into their lives...interestingly, a delusional symptom known as "Ideas of Reference" where one inappropriately and (often) dramatically incorporates elements; voices, words etc from TV/Media into their Life as if it has a direct meaning TO THEM - and directly matters as a "Message for God" or the Like. 

Is often linked to X-Chromosome defects in communication areas of the Brain..which encourages irrational Beliefs; whether expressed as "OCD" or Racing Thoughts or a 'true' Psychotic episode. In some cases, it is too many X-Chromosomes that can lead to Psychotic behaviors or Beliefs; including "Ideas of Reference".
[Gotz M. Results of the present study: XXX womenin Gotz M (ed): The Psychiatric Consequences of Sex Chromosome Abnormalities: A Cohort Study EdinburghUniversity of Edinburgh; 199662–68.]

This may indicate that, given the conformational roles of secondary genes in Respective Brain-regions associated with each Chromosomes distinct *primary* roles - that the Y-Chromosome can also be seen as a necessary "stability factor". That is - of course in the Gender Relevant; Males.

Many would wonder now how this all relates to either Superior or Inferior "Cognitive Function" domain.

Well since Ideas of Reference are (generally) not something that promotes 'true' Productivity, it should be seen as Inferior Cognitive Function - unless proven otherwise for that individual - but delusional thoughts simply can not be generalized as having "benefit" - even if they "bridge the gap" for Success...the motivational deficit already present within that person hints at a Cognitive Dysfunction that will, if not at the present moment, then later on in that persons Life, become a severe hindrance.

On the other hand, if an X-Chromosome contains the so-called "Genius Equilibrium" code - present in about 1% of European individuals [!] (mainly Swedish & Norman-French) and about 5% of Jewish descent individuals [!] (FOX03A Gene[Reference 1] [Reference 2]. Then Belief oriented behavior, Grandiose or not, could be portrayed as simply "ECCENTRIC" or "DRAMATIC" - and thus in Donald Trumps case - can be conferring utter 'Cognitive Superiority'. 

The PROOF is in the RESULTS for that Persons Life.

A number of X-linked genes [!] in East Asia may be the key to their frequently claimed unprecedentedly HIGH-INTELLIGENCE level and HIGH Average IQ level [see here].

X-Chromosome and Emotional Conditioning/Adaptation

The X-Chromosome plays a role in genes relating to emotional conditioning and adaptation as well as Social Function in Men & Women [10] [11].

Traits such as Resilience [12] and even darker traits like Machiavellinism or lack of empathy - all of which are seen in Psychopaths, may actually be more linked to X-Chromosome related protein changes [13]. Reading into that study, Klinefelter or XXY-males often* have reduced Empathy and eye-contact.

A Group of Atypical Presentation "Enhanced" Adaptation XXY-Males

Although most Men with an extra-X chromosome have some degree of Intellectual/Cognitive Impairment, sometimes lower IQ's and increased susceptibility to Autism or other "emotional cognition disorders" - there is a small population of XXY-males/Klinefelter Males that seems to exhibit the atypical presentation; Enhanced Adaptation and longevity as well as Superior Cognitive function [14]. One case also had a very HIGH IQ [15].

These could simply be isolated cases and attributed to other factors, but it could also be related to a parallel genetic composition occurring on the mitochondrial DNA in these Men. Since X-Chromosomes are, again, passed from Mother-to-Male-Child and and mtDNA, the would seem that in some cases (few) there can be a "benefit" to alterations in X-encoding in the Male.

...Problem is that usually stops at Cognitive function and does not impact other negatives of having an Extra-X, like reduced Testosterone levels in Men [16] and infertility [17].

In addition, extra-X or "Double X" syndrome in Males/Men seems to increase risk of AutoImmune diseases like Lupus [18].

The Physically/Mentally Weakened "FRAGILE MALE"

The whole 'Momma's Boy' or "weak male" hypothesis - marked by reduced/insignificant social status and introverted, shy/anxious or isolated personality *can* be associated with an Extra-X - although "fragile" in this context is usually talking about bone/muscle abnormalities in XXY-males [19] [20].

The research behind this hypothesis and the X-Chromosome linked issues could be related to Y-Chromosome loss as well - rather than simply an "EXTRA-X" [21]. Thus, XXY-Males or Klinefelter Syndrome Males (diagnosed) are at EXTRA risk if they say, start Smoking or engage in heavy usage of Nicotine.

This appears to be at least partly, related to reduced Testosterone levels in these AFFECTED Men [22] and altered Amygdala nerve activities [23]. NeuroCognitive problems in XXY-males may also stem from altered hormonal balance (imbalance) and brain regional differences [24].

Since Soy and other PHYTO (plant-derived) Estrogens can have unpredictable, sometimes catastrophic effects on Mental Health & Personality - as seen in "Soy-Boy" Phenomenon - it is reasonable to assert that neurotic, pessimistic, negativistic and even Sociopathic traits can be seen as a unique endocrine disorder related to Estrogen-dominance in Men & Women.


The X-Marks the Spot with Regards to Autism...

For years we've seen studies linking the X-Chromosome to Autism - but it is complex, in females with Autism the association is there, but less clear [25].
In Males, constituting the Gender with a larger incidence of Autism [26].

Its possible, that altered cell homestasis and cell membrane instability pre-and-post Birth in the developing Brain, caused by deletions, inactivations or X-induced overexpressions of candidate genes may be the central problem wherein Autism develops [27].

Since the X-Chromosome, to a large degree, determines developing Brain Structure (though not wholly so) - it is reasonable to assert that abnormalities may lead to the congenital hyperserotonemia found in Autism [28], and as well, possibly other larger changes [29] [30].

See: Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (NIH/PubMed)


As mentioned in previous paragraphs - the sex chromosome contribution to Brain/Mental Disease states is not SUFFICIENT to explain in totality the  occurrence of the various disorders - just that they are a CONTRIBUTING FACTOR...what happens At first (conception), in-between (prenatally/during pregnancy), post-birth and in early years is all CRITICAL. Things happen at different times and there is no single explanation that fits all. 


What is it that  makes Y-Chromosome LOSS lead to INCREASED risk for CANCER!??

It is - at least in part - defective "immune surveillance" caused by loss of Y-Chromosome mediated immune cell "programming" changes...that is - the Y-CHROMOSOME  appears essential for ACTIVE Immune-cell regeneration and surveillance activities [31].

Think about it like are at a Hospital, Patients constantly coming and going, YOU are an EMPLOYEE - what is ONE DUTY you constantly have? Making sure shit is clean! You inadvertently, have to hunt and destroy germs in attempt to keep people from getting sick (doesn't always work in that setting though!).

You have to have ENERGY to some degree, certainly focus, to make sure every table, seat and bed is CLEAN. Well - your immune cells have to have Energy and Focus too - they need nutrients and in-between MEALS just as we do...

Our meals...guarantee THEIR meals.

...But they also need the Y-Chromosome, which initiates and helps maintain  the whole process [32].

Many Mental Disorders begin with the Immune System.
  1. That is VERY clearly demonstrated as HIV/AIDS Patients develop a multitude of Psychiatric Complains and Disorders + have higher than normal rates of neurodegenerative disorders [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38].
  2. That is demonstrated with Herpes Simplex Viruses, which infiltrate the "neurological immune system" and destroy RAPHE NUCLEI neurons - often leading to Depression and OCD [39] [40] [41].
  3. It is demonstrated as when over-active immune systems, with or without an OFFICIAL autoimmune disorder, can lead to INFLAMMATION related Psychiatric disorders [42] [43] [44].

 "No I don't necessarily mean we Are Reincarnated as a 15th Century WarLord!"

While many of our Ancestors have had interesting pasts (no doubt all of them) - not every one of our Ancestors lived a Life as a Warrior, or exposing themselves to many Germs, or Traveling abroad so much that they interact with so many germs so as to create a state of "Cell-Memory" passed down to descendants.

...I do believe that certain adaptational traits, that is, Resistance to temperature extremes and Pain, in particular, can be passed down from "Warrior-Ancestors". 

However, it is difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to tell WHICH Warrior passed down which gene and when - and how - and which chromosome, and which part of DNA, and thus which sequence, and thus which proteins as a result of that sequence.

You really is THAT Complicated. 

You can "inherit" certain genes from either Parent, or there are some that influence behavior that you can ABSOLUTELY, assuredly only inherit from ONE-Parent, on ONE-Chromosome (Warrior Gene etc).

There are times where you get a COPY of a certain gene from BOTH parents - then you are what we call a "homozygote" or plural; homozygous for a certain gene.

In some cases...being a homozygote can be a good thing, say you possess the immune cell mutation "Delta-32" and you get a Copy from BOTH Parents...this renders you almost 100% Immune from being infected with HIV [!]without regard to number of exposures, and as well provides resistance to other germs like Smallpox and possibly bubonic Plague (less clear on that one though!).


Although at times I have great faith in the Medical System to do its job and to efficiently treat, even complex disorders, not all Physicians follow a reasonable code-of-logic

If following the literature, obviously Testosterone-treatment is mechanistically the greatest advantage for an XXY-Male, but if these individuals are also MARKED by Androgen-Insensitivity syndromes, where their body simply DOES NOT use or CONVERT Androgens *properly*...

It would seem a "RECEPTOR-SENSITIZER" + Pure DHT-related compounds would be the way to go...for these individuals.

  1. L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate (mainly) + Acetyl-L-Carnitine (for brain) can boost Androgen (hormone) Receptors [see here].
  2. Pure DHT, in the form of Masteron (drostanolone) injections can saturate without need to convert, the newly built androgen receptors. Mesterolone (Proviron) an oral DHT-tablet, taken by Mouth, has also been used in Klinefelters Syndrome, with moderate success [see here].
  3. Something like DNA-Force of Cell-Fuzion by InfoWars to rejuvenate DNA/Receptor cycles on a mitochondrial level - may be the best route and seems to be consistent with the most conclusive studies [see here] on DNA repair in relation to Sex Chromosome Abnormalities.
***These methods of course have not been tested in direct combination in a large-scale STUDY however, there are NO negative interactions between them and each method alone, from 1 to 3 has shown some MAJOR efficacy in treating XXY-related disorders...mainly Endocrine but also Cognitive [see here].

Carnitine-deficiency is also found in just about every infertile male [!] (side-note).


In this article we have explored many aspects of Chromosomal Disorders - mainly diving into the following Core Concepts (take-backs).

  1. That defects in Y-Chromosomes, loss of Y-Chromosomes (as with smokers) and other Y-abnormalities working towards a "deficient" picture, negatively impact the immune system; both regeneration and surveillance, and this can give rise to viral infections which exploit such a vulnerability - that otherwise may have not made their way into the Brain nor hindered any aspect of Cognitive/Intellectual function IF they were already present.

  • That is to say, that a long-term Smoker, may then have loss of Y-Chromosomes, not realizing that a few months down the road, or maybe years (if they are lucky) - that the elusive T.Gondii germ hiding in their blood, or that nasty Cold Sore, as a result of their SMOKING-induced Y-chromosome loss - all of a sudden EVOLVE and they fall ill to a new pattern of Mental Illness and perhaps later on...a neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson's Disease (PD)or Alzheimer's Disease - as a result of an unchecked infection, that COULD have been "CHECKED" if one didn't DESTROY their Y-Chromosomes by Smoking or otherwise USING Tobacco products.
  • That sex chromosomes carry DNA that impacts Brain Structure & development and heavily influences Behavior as a result. Every Castle is built differently, likewise, every Brain is built differently, the size of regions thus the and structure of which - is directly related to the Behavior and Personality of the Person in question.
  • That parts of code, that is genetic sequences, can be altered, carry "inactivation" variants - silencing commands or other such variants that influence neurotransmitters and thus susceptibility to Mental Illness and other Brain Disorders.
  • X-Linked Genes; such as the MAO-Variant "Warrior-Gene" can predispose one to DEFENSIVE [!] or PROVOCATION-related Violence/Aggression [see here], including "negative face reaction" - and increase Risk-taking behavior [!] - though this gene can also promote "good-assessment of risk" and thus can translate to "good judgement" or effective Judgement calls...THAT'S WHY PSYCHOPATHS are SUCH EFFECTIVE BUSINESS OWNERS!!! 
  • That abnormal forms of Cognition (Paranoid Cognition and Ideas of Reference) can be related to intelligence and yet can be seen as Inferior Cognition or Superior Cognition. That each, would depend on the individual and also that these "abnormal" forms of Cognition can be related to specific attributes/sequences contained on the X-Chromosome.
  • That Y-Chromosomes can play a role as a "Stability Factor" and thus can act to to provide a functional and stable Brain function and internal 'pace'. That 'missing' and / or 'deleted' Y-Chromosomes can lead to Anxiety Disorders [!]Schizophrenia [!] and other particularly severe Mental Illnesses. Other chromosomal studies such as this one in an Icelandic population sample justify this research.

Common Genetic Factors Found in 5 Mental Disorders (National Institute of Health/NIH/PubMed)

Brain study confirms gene mutation link to psychiatric disorders (Science Daily)

Major mental illnesses unexpectedly share brain gene activity, raising hope for better diagnostics and therapies (ScienceMag)

Role of testosterone and Y chromosome genes for the masculinization of the human brain. (NIH/PubMed)

Thinking positively: The genetics of high intelligence (NIH/PubMed)

Triple X syndrome: a review of the literature (NIH/PubMed) 

Large study uncovers genes linked to intelligence (The Conversation)

The highly intelligent Normans? (Intelligence, Personality and Genius Blog)

Scientists identify gene linking brain structure to intelligence. (NEWS: Kings College London)

Intelligence Is Inherited Only from Your Mother? (SNOPES: Fact Check!)

In/Tags: chromosome disorders and psychiatric disorders, chromosome disorders and brain, y-chromosome loss and schizophrenia, y chromosome deletion and mental illness, x-linked psychiatric diseases 2018, chromosomes and sociopathic behavior, dna repair sex chromosome abnormalities.

Friday, December 30, 2016

How to Tell if you are Low Histamine or High Histamine (LightPortal Version)

                :::: Some humorous artwork for ya, but it gets the "picture" across ::::

 It also lays an important example of the differences in personality between a low histamine (histapenic) and high histamine individual ("Histadelic")

So how do you really tell if you are a histapenic or histadelic?
 For the purpose of bringing more information on the histamine imbalance topic, I will outline all of this.

Low histamine people are generally very lax people, who are tired / sleep all day or most of the day and then are up all night. Low histamine is characterized by persistent paranoia (even of family members and formerly or current good friends/aquaintances) - and is also characterized by a generally indifferent, depressed or dysphoric mood. Low Histamine people are generally HIGH IN COPPER.

This means high copper will show in blood work but also manifest in symptoms of adrenal fatigue, nervous system disorders, and alcohol dependence / addiction. 

People with high copper and low histamine seem to have a propensity to drug addiction, violent crimes and are prone to confrontation. 

This is with or Without hormone imbalances being taken into consideration.

Low Histamine High Copper individuals feel very little pain signals, if any. Some have been documented putting their finger through open flames without being bothered by it, or breaking light bulbs in their hand as a show of force, seeing as they would be unbothered by or not notice the pain signals. Thus Pain Asymbolia runs particularly strong in low histamine individuals.

Low histamine people have an absence of seasonal allergies, but may have dramatic food allergies and drug sensitivities.

If you are a depressed individual who has considered or has taken SSRI's, and you also have low histamine - you have probably experienced exaggerated side-effects...

Low histamine, High Copper individuals are prone to high blood pressure and spontaneous hypertensivity.

With low histamine, it is very likely that you will feel (at least once in a while) that people are watching you.

IN BLOODWORK, the following things are notable in LOW HISTAMINE individuals. So what to look for in blood work relating to low histamine???
** = Hormones

  • Elevated Norepinephrine levels (NORADRENALINE)
  • Elevated Serotonin / 5-H1AA Metabolites 
  • Elevated Dopamine Levels   (poor usage though)
  • Low Glutamate, Acetylcholine and GABA.
  • Low serum / basil histamine.
  • Elevated beta-endorphin, serum opioid concentration.
  • Elevated Prolactin Levels**
  • Elevated Cortisol**
  • Elevated or depressed estradiol (estrogen)**
  • High DHT in males but low - moderate serum testosterone**
  • Increased SHBG**
  • Low or High Epinephrine (Adrenaline), usually high. Histamine opposes adrenaline.

In addition.....levels of cholesterol may be elevated and there may be platelet aggregation or blood clotting disorders, especially in older low histamine folk.

Also with low histamine the following physical signs may be apparent.

  • -Pear shaped body (body fat accumulation near abdominal, hips and chest)
  • -^^ GYNECOMASTIA ^^ as well.
  • -Balding in men, unusual body* hair growth / heavy body* hair growth in both men and women
  • -Acne *(due to related estrogen imbalance, high copper and ZINC deficiency noted in histapenics)
  • -Veins hiding, or very hard to find veins when doing bloodwork.
  • -Lack of diuresis and STRONG thirst.
  • -CAVITIES, and DRY MOUTH....
  • -Lack of energy, General fatigue, Daytime Sleepiness, Narcolepsy.
  • -Lack of Normal Nerve Function, Erectile Dysfunction, Sexual Dysfunction.
  • -Low Pain Respondency / Feeling
  • -Lack of seasonal allergies, pet allergies.
  • -No symptoms and / or never seems to gets sick. Cold fails to produce a rhinitis/congestion.
  • -Frequent headaches and / or migraine...or a complete absense of headaches.
  • -Tan very easily (Copper stimulates Mealnin and A-MSH)

The following PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNS are also Probable with Low Histamine

  • -Poor Spatial Memory, Problems remembering basic tasks.
  • -Hyperactivity in Children, and Mood Swings / BiPolar episodes in Adults.
  • -Depression, Suicidal Ideations but lack of energy to carry it out.
  • -Generalized Anxiety, Obsessions but not Compulsions..or Altered Compulsions (mainly mental, in head obsessions as opposed to things like hand washing).
  • -Cravings for Alcohol and / or Stimulants.
  • -Low Appetite, Low Sex Drive and General Lack of Motivation / Zest for Life.
  • -Trouble forming relationships / friendships with people, lack of communication skills or no desire for communication and / or interaction with society.
  • -Intense Paranoia, even of close relatives.
  • -Panic Disorders; Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia.
  • -Other Phobias.
  • -Loss of creativity, or an extra zest for Art that wasn't there before..but no motivation to do anything with it or lacks focus to APPLY it to real-life scenarios.
  • -Grandiose sense of self, delusions of Grandeur, Fantasizing about Unlimited Power and Success.
  • -Aggressive, Unpredictable and Acts on Fear. Emotinally unstable, but at times apathetic. (lack of emotions).


High histamine levels are characterized by a very profound, and strongly enthusiastic sense of self and of one's objectives - but this is quickly sunk or short-lived. Histadelics lack consistency, or they may start out VERY motivated, and consistent...and are very persuasive people, but they tend to Compulsively lose interest in a current project in favor of some new found ideology or project down the road. 

Histadelic's are masters of capturing opportunities, and are constantly looking for them. High Histamine people (Histadelic's) also are extremely motivated, but once again, when they crash and burn they veer away from the current objective and lose interest in it.

Part of this has to do with the excessive histamine's effects on the Adrenal Glands...which lowers adrenaline output Significantly over time...during the motivational highs that a histadelic gets, adrenaline initially rises; but then their crash is even more profound - their sympathetic nervous system goes into invariable stages of darkness. 

***Histadelics are characterized by very high impulsivity rates, very high sex drive and libido - to the point of absolute obsession and constant pre-occupation with sexual acts / fantasies. This is because histadelics are frequently undermethylated, and low in calcium and Vitamin D - leading to both a serotonin-deficient state and the natural lack of Norepinephrine due to histamine's Vasodilating properties often leads to a state of persistent sexual arousal. Some histadelic's are so sexually compulsive, that they have been known (in severe cases) to take a break at a meal, or when in a meeting leave to go to the bathroom suddenly, to masturbate.***

High Histamine people are generally very intelligent, and very creative.
High Histamine people generally seek a partner that has as high or similar of a sex drive, depending on their view of morality and relative obligation to their partner. However, many high histamine people prefer "NSA" No-Strings-Attached relationships...or hookups.

As once was quoted "being loyal is often a big task for those who are addicted to the joys of sex".

Histadelic's have a very high metabolism, and very rarely (if ever) gain much weight, they also have a naturally lower appetite, and are able to go long periods of time both without drinking and / or eating - assuming they are fit and healthy otherwise (besides histamine level). Histamine triggers diuresis (loss of cutaneous and subcutaneous water) - but it also helps ration intracellular electrolytes when the body is low or dehydrated.

In the gym, male histadelic's *(and sometimes females)* are often called "Hard-Gainers" - they have trouble building significant amounts of mass but they stay very lean and "cut up".  When they do build mass, it is solid, veiny and grainy muscle. 
The muscle definition and vascularity of a male histadelic is very significant.

Histadelic's are very naturally motivated to stay in shape..

However, the inherent seasonal allergies, histamine-induced headaches and sometimes inflammation (especially nasal) may get to him / her and put the brakes on activity until it is resolved.

Histadelic's like to finish everything on time (particularly their time), and can't/won't rest until their objective is completed.  Histadelic's can be unscrupulous, and can easily become compulsive liars and master manipulators.

High Histamine individuals may not share the paranoid characteristics of a low histamine individual, but like low histamine individuals..they can be prone to delusions of grandeur and fantasizing about success and power, and particularly, the object (or person) of sexual interest.  However the difference between a histapenic (low histamine person) and histadelic (high histamine) is that histadelic's actually have the motivation to pursue what others would call insane goals, and often don't care what other people think too much or their objective means more than the opinions of others.

High Histamine people are very OCD and easily become hooked on video games, sexual fantasies and work-related compulsions. 

High Histamine people have limbs and body hair that develop anatomically to function with their metabolism..

Some of the physical attributes of a histadelic (high histamine individual)

  1. Large and Prominent Ears, Nose, and other facial features.
  2. Lack of or very little facial hair (due to very high metabolism)
  3. Either a pale, or flushed face.
  4. Some histadelic's are noted with very "fierce looking" eyes. Whereas others have teary / light hearted eyes. It is not known why there is such difference between some histadelics.
  5. Produce tears, nasal mucus and phlegm easily (almost too easily).
  6. Premature Ejaculation
  7. Very low body fat and pronounced and even enlarged veins. 
  8. Very strong muscle tone / definition.
  9. Pronounced cheekbones, and jaw (for men especially).
  10. Tall stature and long limbs, particularly arms.
  11. Chronic Itching, Hair Pulling and / or skin redness. 
  12. Persistent seasonal and / or pet allergies, that can be severe enough to trigger hospitalization.
  13. Bad side-effects from anti-depressants, including but not limited to stomach problems and worsening of suicidal / homicidal ideations.
  14. Persistent acid reflux and consequent diagnosis of GERD.
  15.  Sensitivity to light and sun.
  16. Tan very easily (also a low histamine, high copper trait) Impossible to differentiate.***
  17. Very high metabolism and frequently needing to turn down the thermostat, even when everyone else is cold or content - (can be caused by other things as well though) very high heat production that can be felt emanating from the skin. 
  18. Sweats a lot.


  1. Very strong competitiveness.
  2. Very high libido / persistent sexual arousal. 
  3. Very strong motivation at first, but compulsively loses interest / becomes bored. 
  4. Very creative and intelligent.
  5. VERY Impulsive
  6. Aggressive, often Confrontational.
  7. Delusions of Grandeur; Visions of Unlimited Power, Success, Sexual Gratification with object / person of interest.
  8.  Obsessive-Compulsive; with Compulsions / Relative Objective Oriented Behavior predominating as one gets older.
  9.  Pre-Occupation with Sexual Fantasies, Video Games or Work-related activities.
  10.  Persistent anticipation anxiety, but lack or or very little social anxiety.
  11. Shy as a teenager, but the opposite as he / she gets older.
  12. Insomnia
  13. Very analytical (examines everything) and very aware. **
  14. Able to lie easily, and can become great at manipulating others. **

**  - Not exclusive to histadelia. May be other reasons / cultural / environmental factors.

 In addition, bloodwork would show the following abnormalties (high histamine).

  1. Low Serum Norepinphrine (metanephrine/VMT included)
  2. Low Serotonin, 5-HT1AA and other Serotonin Metabolites
  3. High Whole Blood and Serum Histamine Levels
  4. Low Dopamine (and HMA/HVA metabolites)
  5. Elevated Glutamate, and / or GABA
  6. Low or High Acetylcholine (depending on the person).
  7. Elevated or low beta-endorphin.
  8. Elevated or low prolactin (more commonly low PRL).
  9. Elevated Cortisol, or low Cortisol (due to adrenergic/serotonergic deficiency)
  10. High Serum Testosterone and LH/FSH (Gonadotropins)
**Can low histamine cause ACNE? **
**Copper and Acne**

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